Thursday, April 27, 2017

Flaxseed Loaf

Flaxseeds are pretty amazing little sprinkles of nature. High in nutrients, by either grinding them into meal or cracking the buttery, golden seeds, it's much easier to release their omegas and other good-for-you bits. If you can't get your hands on pumpernickel flour (like a few of our bakers) then dark rye flour makes a good substitute.

Rose created this lovely recipe that has a good, earthy texture and loads of flavor!

Vicki took a back seat to this one and let her granddaughter and next-generation-Rose-baker take charge. This was her very first, start to finish loaf, and it was amazing! They enjoyed it with Irish butter and Irish cheese.

Jeniffer  decided to go a bit wild with her seed addition, adding in some beautiful chia seeds and sesame seeds. Instead of the loaf, she made some fabulous looking rolls and topped them with whole egg dill mayo, lettuce, egg, and carrot spirals.

Elle made hers on a rather hectic Sunday afternoon, but her loaf still came out nice (except it did stick rather vehemently to the pyrex dish). Her family enjoyed this healthful loaf as sandwiches, or in Elle's case, topped with a FitGirl recipe of artichoke, spinach, sourcream, and a bit of mozzarella.

Catherine made hers in a round loaf style, and doesn't it look like something you'd find in a top-notch bakery? She too thought the loaf's texture and flavor were a winning combination.

Patty felt the impatience of having to wait the full 2 hours for this loaf to cool down - but it was worth the wait! She's definitely putting this recipe in her baking rotation.

Laura got some serious oven spring for her loaf! A really nice-looking crumb, too. She agreed with Rose that this was a lively dough, and it turned into lovely bread.

Sheryl  wrote a lovely post on the healthy flaxseed bread. We completely agree that this is a fantastic sandwich-style loaf and what a way to blast your daily diet with some extra nutrients!

Great job, bakers! See you all next month.

Olive Bread

If you need to take a quick mental vacation to the Mediterranean, Rose's olive loaf is definitely a passport to sunshine, warmth, and most importantly, fantastic edibles.

Jeniffer faced every baker's nightmare - a misbehaving oven! Thankfully she kept her cool and saved the dough. It turned out fantastic, straight out of Food magazine. She topped her slices with raw and caramelized tomato with some herbs. What a scrumptious Sunday brunch.

Sheryl made an amazing loaf, filled with spices and gorgeous olives. She had some great tips of how she usually makes this bread and finds it's always a winner!

Vicki was delighted to find that this loaf was something she would happily order in a restaurant. It was also the first time she'd proved a bread in a towel-lined colander. A gentle hand was necessary to keep this delicate dough from deflating. Vicki was a pro and made a superb loaf.

Laura's loaf was devoured in seconds by her quilting friends. Not surprising as it looks wonderful! The chopped kalamata olives give it a great visual and texture.

Elle had a lot of fun making this lighter-than-air bread. She and both daughters were more than content to dip slices of this loaf into olive oil.

Levy's Real Jewish Rye Bread

Getting back into loaves after our foray into scones, the bakers tackled Rose's Rye bread, studded with aromatic caraway seeds. This loaf is recommended for anyone who wants an extraordinarily flavored bread with out of this world texture.

Sheryl  really outdid herself on this loaf. Absolutely stunning. We are always so happy to see her creations and be a part of our baking group! The rye bread took her out of her bread comfort zone with awesome results. She found yet another recipe to add to her rotation.

Laura's loaf has a fantastic looking crumb and such a beautiful shape! She was rightfully very proud of the shape and crunchy crust. Well done!

Elle was excited to bake this bread and wasn't phased by multiple trips to different grocery stores in order to procure the necessary flour and caraway seeds. She thought the taste was stunning and loved it topped with Irish butter and radishes.

 Vicki thought this bread far superior to any other rye bread she's sampled before. Although the crust was a little done, it still crackled beautifully and the inside looks delicious.

Jeniffer, we are pleased to say, had her bread epiphany this month - what a stunning loaf! Her fellow bakers completely understand the euphoria that happens when a bread loaf comes together and produces something just magical. This bread was scrumptious both on its own, and toasted into gourmet additions to salad in thin, toasted pieces.

Happy baking everyone!

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Creamy Ginger Scones

November, with the chill of autumn for our northern hemisphere bakers, seemed like a great time to tackle these delightful scones from Rose's book!

Vicki and Elle omitted store-bought candied ginger from the recipe (Trader Joes informed Vicki that it contains lead, and Elle's offspring #1 doesn't care for overpowering ginger flavor). Both thought the method of whipping cream was a fantastic idea (one that Elle though even SHE couldn't mess up) to make delicate scones.

Laura used the last of her homemade candied ginger for these lovelies (Laura, share the recipe!) and they were so decadent it was hard to resist taking more than one for a treat.

Jeniffer cut hers in circles, the traditional "British" shape and topped with preserves. They looked so lovely, as always! She also treated us with a neat tidbit about the history of candied ginger in Australia.

Sheryl made hers as a contribution to Thanksgiving dinner. Unsurprisingly, they were a huge hit (especially with her uncle). Everyone loved the sweet and spicy combination.

And Joyce summed up the scones perfectly. With a cup of tea! She decided to forgo whipping the cream but it didn't affect the fantastic results. Light but rich, creamy, and delicious.

For December - with the holidays, it seemed like a lot to put on everyone to make the rye bread, so we've given January as a time to get caught up. If you've already made the rye bread, consider yourself ahead of the game!

Look forward to baking with everyone in 2017!